5 October 2009


I hope the film will be interesting of some practical use for organisations working with dementia such as the Institute for Aging and Health and The Wellcome Trust.
With my film Possessed I have found it has proven to be a very interesting tool for stimulating debate around the issue of obsessive-compulsive hoarding and has become a first point of call for those wanting to learn about the subject. Since I made it freely available on the Internet it has been watched nearly 100k times and is embedded in the homepage of most websites dedicated to the subject.  It has also had good mileage on the international festival circuit, recently being screened at the Kos International Health Film Festival.  I am currently more interested in these alternative ways of films being shown than traditional UK TV route which I think is very closed to ideas in its current state.

1 comment:

  1. BritDocs have some great initiaitves for films that cross these boundaries into public service. htpp://britdoc.org/real_good/pitch/ and it will be interestin to see how these concepts works at a micro level.

    really interested to see how alternative ways of distribution allow the film maker to respond to the stories of audience and subjects through research and blogs. I do think thats an essential part as it ensures that you are connected to your audience directly instead of through a commissioner.

    might allow you to tell the public agencies (research institutes?) and commissioners the stories they dont get to hear / dont know they want to hear or dont know audiences want to share?

    they might then come in with distribution and completion funds. other film makers playing with these ideas tend to have a merchandising or ask viewers for donations to their projects and as far as i can see are tapping into quite established online activist communities.

    might be good for you / us to speak to brit docs soon to benefit from their learning on this?
